Funding Agreements

Key documents which dictate how the Trust operates are the Articles of Association and the Funding Agreements.

Articles of Association

The governance arrangements for Horizons Specialist Academy Trust are laid down in the Articles of Association, which describe the powers of directors and the procedures and rules governing the Board.  

Memorandum of Association

The Memorandum of Association is the document incorporating Members sign to confirm the establishment of the company.

Funding Agreement

The funding agreement is the contract the Academy Trust has signed with the Secretary of State to become an Academy Trust, and specifies how the Trust is run, its duties and the powers the Secretary of State has over the Trust.  The Funding Agreement is the method by which all academies are held accountable to the Department for Education.

HSAT's Master Funding Agreement and academy Supplemental Funding Agreements are accessible below:

Master Funding Agreement (MFA)

Supplemental Funding Agreement - Abbey Hill Academy

Supplemental Funding Agreement - Green Gates Academy

Supplemental Funding Agreement - Westlands Academy

Supplemental Funding Agreement - Hollis Academy

Supplemental Funding Agreement - Mo Mowlam Academy

Deed of Variation to the Supplemental Funding Agreement - Westlands Academy (July 2018)

Deed of Variation to the Supplemental Funding Agreement - Green Gates Academy (July 2018)

Deed of Variation - Westlands Academy (December 2019)

Abbey Hill - Deed of Variation (2021)

Supplemental Funding Agreement - Archway Academy

Deed of Variation to the Supplemental Funding Agreement - Mo Mowlam Academy (July 2022)

Deed of Novation & Funding Agreement - The Woodlands Academy (May 2023)

Horizons Specialist Academy Trust
Abbey Hill Academy
Ketton Road
TS19 8BU

Tel: 01642 677113


Horizons Specialist Academy Trust is a company limited by guarantee (Company No 08608287) and exempt charity registered in England and Wales.

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