Abbey Hill Academy is a magical place where young people aged 11 to 16 who have learning difficulties and disabilities learn, grow, inspire and achieve.
Every student is nurtured, valued and empowered to have the highest aspirations for their future. Students reach their full potential through the provision of a stimulating, innovative and creative curriculum.
Our students achieve at the highest possible standard because we equip them with the skills to succeed and inspire a lifelong love of learning.
We fulfil the Trust’s motto 'To do more and to do it better' with high expectations for all.
All our students are immersed in an inspiring, personalised curriculum that enables them to flourish academically and socially.
All our students feel safe and secure during their time with us because of our very robust, caring pastoral system.
Our values
- The belief in the equal worth of everyone as learners
- The goal of high expectations so that all students can achieve their full potential
- Recognition that we provide a modern and vibrant curriculum
- A commitment to preparing the children to make a positive contribution to the world around them
- An understanding that learning should be active, as independent as possible and is a lifelong process for us all
- A belief in the promotion of positive mental health and well being
Our ethos
Our ethos is characterised by a culture of positive attitude, high expectation and aspiration.
We aspire for all of our amazing children to do amazing things, whilst with us and in the future.
We aim for students to be ready to learn, respectful of others and safe.